The Throwback got a call this morning from HesAKeeper's publicist this morning. She wanted to know why her boys were not getting any publicity from our humble weekly wrap.
It's true, The Throwback has been neglecting all things Jamie Davis as of late, but the older Brother Davis should be relieved that he isn't incurring the wrath of the Throwback Curse.
So Keepers, we'll give you your due. You came out with a head of steam, bulldozed your way to a 5 and 0 start, and looked to be a early swashbuckling favorite. Despite the fact you've dropped two, The Throwback wants to dedicate this Preamble to you, Jam. Davis, a true action hero.
The Gloat of the Week
It almost makes crotch rot look good. — The Throwback, 2 Weeks AgoMy friends, I can confidently say that truer words have never been tip-tapped on a keyboard.
A few weeks ago we were all but ready to write-off Tinea Cruris. Yet, with big shots like Pierre Thomas, Mercedes Lewis, and Kris Brown, the Crotchweilers have reeled off two big wins over defending champion NL Supremacy and Norfolk State.
Okay, make that one big win.
As one of the lowest scoring teams in the league, apparently The Fightin’ Hams are going to have to do it with defense.
Congrats to Tinea Cruris as they can bluster at being The Gloat of the Week.
The Goat of the Week
It's just sad.
The Throwback has caught wind that The Kolber Kissers are strongly considering bringing in a coach-in-waiting.
Boneheaded moves have devolved into baffling tactics which is turning into the longest skid of the season. Y'know, the wrong kind of streak.
Sound the alarm, The Kolber Kissers are the Goat of the Week.
The Throwback has caught wind that The Kolber Kissers are strongly considering bringing in a coach-in-waiting.
Boneheaded moves have devolved into baffling tactics which is turning into the longest skid of the season. Y'know, the wrong kind of streak.
Sound the alarm, The Kolber Kissers are the Goat of the Week.
Our Very Scientific Power Rankings ... or Ranklings
Playoff, Ho!1. Who's Ochocinco
2. HesAKeeper (Jamie)
Muddling In the Middle
3. Hen Pen
4. Fighting Gobblers
5. Now the Titans Suck
Who Cares? (In No Particular Order)
6. Tinea Cruris
7. He Hate Me
8. NL Supremacy
9. Norfolk State
10. The Kolber Kissers
You Ain't Got No Alibi
11. Huron Heartbreakers
12. Coco's All-Stars
And We're Out
Anyone looking to be a guest Throwback writer? Shoot the Commish an e-mail.
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